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Roz Tippetts Thursday, 12 April 2012 TOMMY’S ARRIVAL Chris and Lizzie are planning to set off at 6 a.m. and travel by boat to the North of Barbados to see Tommy cross the official finishing line. They will probably then accompany Tommy as he rows the last leg down to the Port. I will be waiting at the … Continue reading »

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Toms Trip

From my daughter Roz (Lindy) As some of you know we were amazingly offered a free flight to find Tommy 66 miles out at sea. Barry Dueck flew us in his Piper Mirage Malibu using his Garmin to navigate to Toms latest coordinates. We flew 150 feet above him once we had found him aided … Continue reading »

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Solo Atlantic Row

Tom, my grandson, started his Solo Atlantic row on 21st of Januari 2012. Follow him at

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Shakir Pahlawan

In the book we have a tree of Shakir Pahlawan Family. Married 1914 to Julie Suleiman, 1892*1969. Without proof it is said that Shakir also was married to Regina Cohen. Is it true or not?  

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Tom in Paris, France

Marathon complete! Posted by Tommy Tippetts on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 in Training So the Paris marathon took place on this Sunday just gone and it is a great feeling to have finished and now have a week or so to relax and not have to train!  

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